Sindarin Consonant Mutation Tool

Important: For words with roots that are “nd,” “mb,” or “ng,” you must input them as, e.g., “ngil,” “mbar,” etc., to get the correct results. Remember to double check as this may not capture everything.

Note: Tolkien’s description of Sindarin spelling implies that [j] only survived at the beginning of words in Sindarin, and became the vowel [i]. For this reason make sure to use [j] for those nouns to get the correct mutation.


Mutation Type Article Meaning Mutation
Soft i “the"
Nasal 1 in “the (plural)"

Articles PE23

Mutation Type Article Meaning Mutation
Soft e “the"
Nasal 1 in “the (plural)"


Mutation Type Conjunction Meaning Mutation
Vocalic a(h) “and [a/an]”
Soft ah e “and the”
Soft ach “but”
Liquid egor “or [a/an]”


Mutation Type Preposition Meaning Mutation
Soft na “to, at [a/an]”
Soft n’ e “to, at the”
Soft o “from, of [a/an]”
Mixed uin “from, of the”
Nasal 2 na(n) “with, of [a/an]”
Nasal 2 an “to, for [a/an]”
Nasal 2 ’ni(n) “to, for the”
Stop ed “out, out of [a/an]”
Soft ed e “out, out of the”
Stop o(d) “(away) from [a/an]”
Soft od e “(away) from the”
Liquid or “above [a/an]”
Mixed erin “above the”
Vocalic o(h) “about [a/an]”
Soft oh e “about the”


This tool is designed to help with mutations in Sindarin. While it strives for accuracy, please be aware that: