1.5 Neologisms
Below, you’ll find neologisms (fan-invented words) for Neo-Sindarin coined by me.
- Verbs
- ᴺS. adenia-, v. “reborn; revived or regenerated, especially emotionally or spiritually”
- ᴺS. adnartha-, v. “to rekindle, reignite”
- ᴺS. echan-, v. “to proclaim, assert, (lit.) forth-call out” ⪤ ᴺQ. eccan- v. “to proclaim, assert, (lit.) forth-call out”
- ᴺS. edhwenna-, v. “to banish, send out, (lit.) out-send” ⪤ ᴺQ. etementa- v. “to banish, send out, (lit.) out-send”
- ᴺS. ethol-, v. “to come forth, come out” ⪤ ᴹQ. ettul- v. “*to come forth, come out, issue”
- ᴺS. ciltha-, v. “to divide, separate” ⪤ ᴺQ. cilta- v. “to divide, separate”
- ᴺS. lhuida-, v. “to poison, envenom, fill with poison” ⪤ Q. hloita- v. “to poison, envenom, fill with poison”
- ᴺS. rhidia-, v. “to achieve, accomplish” ⪤ ᴺQ. hritya- v. “to achieve, accomplish”
- Nouns
- ᴺS. carrant, n. “tactics, strategy” ⪤ ᴺQ. carranta n. “strategy, (lit.) action-course”
- ᴺS. carrathron, n. “strategist, strategizer”
- ᴺS. dorem, n. “map (lit.) “land picture” ⪤ ᴺQ. noremma n. “map”
- ᴺS. doremdan, n. “cartographer” ⪤ ᴺQ. noremmatan n. “cartographer”
- ᴺS. gongoloth /gongol, v. “geology” ⪤ Q. ongolmë n. “geology”
- ᴺS. gongollon, n. “geologist” ⪤ ᴺQ. ongolmo n. “geologist”
- ᴺS. gwilven, n. “airport, airfield” ⪤ ᴺQ. vilmen n. “airport, airfield, airdrome”
- ᴺS. lannan, n. “bannar, standard” ⪤ ᴺQ. lantanna n. “bannar, standard”
- ᴺS. mengolu, n. “course, (lit.) Way of Knowledge; course; a series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject (lit.) way of knowledge ✶men-ñgolwē”
- ᴺS. midoled, n. “introduction, (lit.) into-leading” ⪤ ᴺQ. “minatulië”
- ᴺS. nosgoloth / nosgol, n. “genealogy”
- ᴺS. nosgollon, n. “genealogist”
These Neologisms are coined by Elaran and myself for use on my site.
- ᴺS. emeth “noun (lit.) name-word” — EN+KᵂETtā ⪤ ᴺQ. enquetta @luinyelle
- ᴺS. pemeth “pronoun (lit.) person-word” — KᵂEN+KᵂETtā
- ᴺS. capheth “adjective (lit.) shape-word” — KAT+KᵂETtā
- ᴺS. mobeth “adverb (lit.) how-word — mo+KᵂETtā”
- ᴺS. carath “verb”
- ᴺS. limeth “conjunction (lit.) link-word” — LIM+KᵂETtā
- ᴺS. fabeth "preposition (lit.) before-word” — PᴴĀ+KᵂETtā
- ᴺS. gwimeth “neologism (lit.) new-word” — WIN+KᵂETtā ⪤ ᴺQ. !vinquetta
- ᴺS. iameth “compound (lit.) join-word” — YAN+KᵂETtā
- ᴺS. tapheth “affix (lit.) fasten-word” — TAK+KᵂETtā
- ᴺS. fodapheth “prefix (lit.) before-fastened-word”
- ᴺS. codapheth “suffix (lit.) after-fastened-word”