1.6 Compounds: Creating names through “compounds” is one of the most fascinating and challenging aspects of Sindarin. It is not as straightforward as some might think. Given that Sindarin is a fusional language, the process of combining words to create a name or word can often be complex. There is a chart created by Fiona Jallings here which provides some direction, but it is not everything. Moreover, there are sites that may lead you to believe that this is all you need to do. This is not the case, and learning the phonetic rules and understanding the language will help you in this process.
For example, let's take the name I created for a sword I wanted to call “Iron Light,” using “ang” for “iron” and “calad” for “light.”
Let's run it through the process: ✶Aŋga·kalata > Angalad, AN-ga-lad, | [aŋga·kalata] S23 > [aŋga·kalat] S26 > [aŋga·galad S33 > [aŋggalad S54] > [aŋgalad]
Here is an attested example: ✶Gondo·ndor > Gondor, GON-dor, | [gondo·ndor] S33 > [gondndor] S54 > [gondor]
As you can see, I have included the rule numbers to illustrate the phonetic developments of the word. In fact, you are creating a new Sindarin word.
Now, do you have to go all the way back to the primitive roots? No, you don't. I did this just to give you an idea of how involved the process can be.
Another excellent example from Elaran on The Tolkien Forum involves the word “cair” meaning “ship.” When used as the first element in a compound, it should yield “Ceiradan,” meaning “Ship-Man.” This is because “ai” can only appear in the final syllables of polysyllabic words (e.g., “erain”) or in monosyllabic words (e.g., “cair”). An even more archaic form would be “Ciriadan.” This is because “cair” originates from the ancient form KIRjā > kirja > kerja > keria > keri > keir > kair. Most of these changes depend on the word not having a following element. Thus, the modern compound “Ceiradan” is a sort of reformation that removes only the latest “(final) ei>ai” rule.
There are about 140 rules combined governing the phonetics of Old Sindarin and Sindarin.
Here are some compound names I have created:
1.6.1 Weapon Names:
1.6.2 Character Names:
Classifications | p-series | t-series | k-series |
voiceless-stops | p | t | k (c) |
voiced-stops | b | d | g |
voiceless-spirants | f (f, ph) | s, θ (th) | h, x (ch) |
voiced-spirants | v (v, f) | ð (dh) | †ɣ (gh) |
nasals | m | n | ŋ (ñ) |
voiceless-continuants | w̥ (wh) | l̥ (lh), r̥ (rh) | |
voiced-continuants | w | l, r | j (i) |
Classifications | Vowels |
long-vowels | ī, (î, í), ē, (ê, é), ā, (â, á), ō, (ô, ó), ǭ, ȳ, (ŷ, ý), ū, (û, ú) |
short-vowels | ĭ (i), y, ĕ (e), ă (a), ŏ (o), ŭ (u) |
diphthongs | ae, ai, ei, oe, œ, ui, au, eu |
others | ou, ø |
Below are the Sindarin Phonetic Rules. Each rule is hyperlinked to Edalmo.org so you can further explore the rule. I have provided a sample word for each rule that first shows its primitive form and then its modern form. Then, I break down the phonetic developments and have highlighted in bold where the rule occurs. Please note that some rules may only have one example, some may have only a Noldorin example, while others may have multiple examples. This is why, when forming compounds, it can be quite tricky as there are no known examples of two consonants together, or it may only occur in Noldorin. Even though Sindarin is descended from Noldorin, it doesn’t necessarily mean the same rules apply in Sindarin. Be mindful of that.
1.6.3 Phonetic Rules:
initial nasals vanished before stops | ✶mbara > bâr | [mbara] > [mbar] > [bar] > [bār] | 01 |
final nasals vanished after vowels | ✶elen > êl | [elen] > [ele] > [el] > [ēl] | 02 |
initial [s] vanished before spirants | ✶spindē > find | [spindē] > [spinde] > [sɸinde] > [ɸinde] > [finde] > [find] > [finn] | 03 |
initial voiceless [j̊] became [x] | ✶khy- > h | [kʰj-] > [kʰ-] > [x-] > [h-] | 04 |
voiced stops became spirants after liquids | ✶gardā > gardh | [gardā] > [garda] > [garða] > [garð] | 05 |
[zb], [zg] became [ðβ], [ðɣ] | ✶buzbō > buðu | [buzbō] > [buzbo] > [buðβo] > [buðvo] > [buðv] > [buðw] > [buðu] | 06 |
initial [w] became [gw] | ✶wath > gwath | [watʰa] > [waθa] > [gwaθa] > [gwaθ] | 07 |
short [i], [u] became [e], [o] preceding final [a] | ✶khīnā/khinā > hên | [kʰinā] > [kʰina] > [xina] > [xena] > [xen] > [hen] > [hēn] | 08 |
voiced stops became spirants after vowels | ✶galadā > galadh | [galadā] > [galada] > [galaða] > [galað] | 09 |
[ɣ] vocalized before [l], [r], [m], [n] | ✶tagra > taer | [taɣra] > [tagra] > [taɣra] > [taira] > [tair] > [taer] | 010 |
[x], [ɸ] vocalized between a vowel and [θ] | ✶ektā > eitha- | [ektā-] > [ekta-] > [ektʰa-] > [exθa-] > [eiθa-] | 011 |
[iu] and [ju] became [ȳ] | ✶keurā > cŷr | [keurā] > [keura] > [kiura] > [kȳra] > [kȳr] | 012 |
[ɸ], [β] became [f], [v] | ✶ap·pata > aphad- | [appat-] > [appʰat-] > [aɸɸat-] > [affat-] > [affad-] | 013 |
medial [j] became [i] | ✶gilji > gîl | [gilji] > [gilī] > [gil] > [gīl] | 014 |
short [u] often became [o] | ✶ñgurotho > gorth | [ŋgurotʰo] > [ŋguroθo] > [guroθo] > [goroθo] > [goroθ] | 015 |
short [e], [o] became [i], [u] in syllable before final [i] | ✶edelī > Edhil | [edelī] > [edeli] > [eðeli] > [eðili] > [eðil] | 016 |
short [a], [o], [u] became [e], [œ], [y] preceding [i] | ✶mbarī > bair | [mbarī] > [mbari] > [bari] > [beri] > [beir] > [bair] | 017 |
[ē], [ō] became [ī], [ū] | ✶kēwā > cîw | [kēwā] > [kēwa] > [kīwa] > [kīw] | 018 |
[nm], [ŋm] became [nw], [ŋw] | ✶tekmā > tēw | [tekmā] > [tegmā] > [tegma] > [teŋma] > [teŋwa] > [tēwa] > [tēw] | 019 |
[ŋ] vanished with compensatory lengthening | ✶tekmā > tēw | [tekmā] > [tegmā] > [tegma] > [teŋma] > [teŋwa] > [tēwa] > [tēw] | 020 |
[ǭ] became [au] | ✶astāra > astor | [astāra] > [astār] > [astǭr] > [astaur] > [astor] | 021 |
[ę̄] became [ai] | ✶kę̄m > coe | [kę̄m] > [kaim] > [kai] > [kae] | 022 |
short final vowels vanished | ✶mapo > mâb | [mapo] > [map] > [mab] > [māb] | 023 |
final [i] intruded into preceding syllable | ✶edelī > Edhil | [edelī] > [edeli] > [eðeli] > [eðili] > [eðil] | 024 |
initial [x-] became [h-] | ✶khīnā/khinā > hên | [kʰinā] > [kʰina] > [xina] > [xena] > [xen] > [hen] > [hēn] | 025 |
voiceless stops voiced after vowels | ✶akāra > agor | [akāra] > [akǭra] > [akaura] > [akaur] > [agaur] > [agor] | 026 |
short vowels generally lengthened in monosyllables | ✶mbara > bâr | [mbara] > [mbar] > [bar] > [bār] | 027 |
final [ɣ] became [a] after a consonant | ✶phelga > fela | [pʰelga] > [ɸelga] > [ɸelɣa] > [felɣa] > [felɣ] > [fela] | 028 |
[ɣ] became [i] between sonants and vowels | ✶targasse > tarias | [targasse] > [tarɣasse] > [tarɣass] > [tariass] > [tarias] | 029 |
[ɣ] otherwise vanished | ✶magē > mae | [magē] > [mage] > [maɣe] > [mae] | 030 |
[h] vanished after vowels | ✶asa > a | [asa] > [aha] > [ah] > [a] | 031 |
final [i], [u] generally vanished | ✶certi > cirth | [kertī] > [kerti] > [kertʰi] > [kerθi] > [kirθi] > [kirθ] | 032 |
short vowels vanished before morpheme boundaries | ✶imbi·lata > imlad | [imbi·lata] > [imbi·lat] > [imbi·lad] > [imblad] [imlad] | 033 |
[ai], [oi] became [ae], [oe] | ✶magiti- > maed | [magiti] > [maɣiti] > [maɣit] > [maɣid] > [maid] > [maed] | 034 |
later [ei] became [ai] in final syllables | ✶mbarī > bair | [mbarī] > [mbari] > [bari] > [beri] > [beir] > [bair] | 035 |
[œi] became [ui] or [y] | ✶oronyē > eryn | [oronjē] > [oronje] > [oronie] > [œrœnie] > [œrœni] > [œrœin] > [œryn] > [eryn] | 036 |
[nr] became [ðr] | ✶caran·rass > Caradhras | [karanrass] > [karaðrass] > [karaðras] | 037 |
final [θ] became [s] after another [θ], [ð] | ✶thakta- > úthaes | [tʰakta] > [tʰaktʰa] > [θaktʰa] > [θaxθa] > [θaxθa] > [θaiθ] > [θaeθ] > [θaes] | 038 |
[ls], [rs] became [lθ], [ss] | ᴹ✶olsa- > oltha- | [olsa-] > [olθa-] | 039 |
final [mf], [nθ], [ŋx], [lθ] became [mp], [nt], [ŋk], [lt] | ✶gampa > gamp | [gampa] > [gampʰa] > [gamɸa] > [gamfa] > [gamf] > [gamp] > [gamp] | 040 |
nasals vanished before spirantal clusters | ✶camprū > cāfru | [kamprū] > [kampru] > [kampʰru] > [kamɸru] > [kamfru] > [kafru] | 041 |
[ð] vanished before nasals | ✶Galada·ndil > Gelennil | [galada·ndil] > [galada·ndil] > [geleðe·ndil] > [geleðndil] > [gelendil] > [gelennil] | 042 |
voiced spirants restopped after nasals | No examples at this time: [-{mnŋ}{vðɣ}-] > [-{mnŋ}{bdg}-] | 043 |
nasals vanished at word boundaries before a single consonant | Examine rule for more details: in·tîw > in·thîw > i·thîw | 044 |
medial [mf], [nθ], [ŋx], [lθ] became [mm], [nn], [ŋg], [ll] | ✶danta- > danna- | [danta-] > [dantʰa-] > [danθa-] > [danna-] > [gelennil] | 045 |
voiceless nasals were voiced | ✶snagdē > naeð | [snagdē] > [snaidē] > [snaide] > [n̥aide] > [n̥aiðe] > [n̥aið] > [n̥aeð] > [naeð] | 046 |
long vowels shortened before clusters | ✶nēna·talma > nindalf | [nēna·talma] > [nīna·talma] > [nīna·talm] > [nīna·dalm] > [nīndalm] > [nindalm] > [nindalv] | 047 |
[ī], [ū] often shortened in polysyllables | ✶al·phirīne > alfirin | [alpʰirīne] > [alɸirīne] > [alfirīne] > [alfirīn] > [alfirin] | 048 |
[awa] sometimes became [au] | ✶glawar > glaur | [glawar] > [glaur] | 049 |
[au], [ae] became [o], [e] in polysyllables | ✶aika·nār > Aegnor | [aika·nāro] > [aika·nǭro] > [aika·nauro] > [aika·naur] > [aiga·naur] > [aignaur] > [aegnaur] > [aegnor] | 050 |
[lð] became [ll] | ✶kuldā > coll | [kuldā] > [kulda] > [kulða] > [kolða] > [kolð] > [koll] | 051 |
[nl] became [ll] | No examples at this time: See the rule for more info. | 052 |
[mb], [nd] became [mm], [nn] | ✶ambuna > amon | [ambuna] > [ambona] > [ambon] > [ammon] > [amon] | 053 |
middle consonants frequently vanished in clusters | ✶Gondo·ndor > Gondor | [gondo·ndor] > [gondndor] > [gondor] | 054 |
medial [s] became [θ] before [l], [r] | ✶cas·raya > cathrae | [kasraja] > [kasraia] > [kasrai] > [kasrae] > [kaθrae] | 055 |
[wo] became [o] | ✶wo > gwo > go- | [wo-] > [gwo-] > [go-] | 056 |
[n] assimilated to following labial at morpheme boundaries | ✶ndan·men > damen | [ndanmen] > [danmen] > [dammen] > [damen] | 057 |
[œ] became [e] | ✶okoli > ogyl | [okoli] > [okuli] > [œkyli] > [œgyli] > [œgyl] > [egyl] | 058 |
final [ll], [nn], [ss] shortened in polysyllables | ✶caran·rass > Caradhras | [karanrass] > [karaðrass] > [karaðras] | 059 |
final and initial [ŋg] became [ŋ] | ✶angā > ang | [aŋgā] > [aŋga] > [aŋg] > [aŋ] | 060 |
non-initial [m] usually became [v] | ✶amān > avon | [amān] > [amǭn] > [amaun] > [amon] > [avon] | 061 |
[ðv] became [ðw] | ✶buzbō > buðu | [buzbō] > [buzbo] > [buðβo] > [buðvo] > [buðv] > [buðw] > [buðu] | 062 |
[mm] shortened | ✶ndan·men > damen | [ndanmen] > [danmen] > [dammen] > [damen] | 063 |
final [v] became [w] after [i], [ae], [oe] | ✶okma > oew | [okma] > [ogma] > [oɣma] > [oima] > [oim] > [oem] > [oev] > [oew] | 064 |
final [w], [v] vanished after [u] | ✶dōmē > dû | [dōmē] > [dūme] > [dūme] > [dūm] > [dūv] > [dū] | 065 |
[ou] became [au] | ✶lowā > law | [lowā] > [lowa] > [lou] > [law] | 066 |
long voiceless spirants shortened | ✶rokkō > roch | [rokkō] > [rokko] > [rokkʰo] > [roxxo] > [roxx] > [rox] | 067 |
final [l], [r] usually became syllabic | ✶nathlo > nathal | [natʰlo] > [naθlo] > [naθl] > [naθol] | 068 |
final [vn] sometimes became [von] | ✶kelepna > celevon | [kelepna] > [kelebna] > [kelemna] > [kelemn] > [kelevn] > [kelevon] | 069 |
final [w] usually became [u] | ✶buzbō > buðu | [buzbō] > [buzbo] > [buðβo] > [buðvo] > [buðv] > [buðw] > [buðu] | 070 |
final [rr] became [r] | ✶gę̄rra > gaer |[gę̄rra] > [gę̄rr] > [gaerr] > [gaer] | 071 |
[sk] usually became [sg] | ✶skalā > esgal [ṣkalā] > [ṣkala] > [eskala] > [eskal] > [esgal] | 072 |
medial [x] became [h] in Gondorian pronunciation | See the rule for more info. | 073 |
dissimilation of spirants | ✶thakta- > úthaes [tʰakta] > [tʰaktʰa] > [θaktʰa] > [θaxθa] > [θaxθa] > [θaiθ] > [θaeθ] > [θaes] | 074 |
voiced spirants unvoiced before voiceless spirants | See the rule for more info. | 075 |