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N. #hal-, v. “to lift” appearing in its Noldorin-style infinitive form heli under the root ᴹ√KHAL² “uplift.”

Phonetic Developments for the 3rd: Sg.:✶akʰālē > achol [akʰālē] > [akʰāle] > [axāle] > [axǭle] > [axaule] > [axaul] > [axol]

Derivatives from √KHAL root. “raise; lift up or extend upwards, [ᴹ√] uplift, erect, lift from ground, (make) stand up”:
Present 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin helin helig helil hâl helib helif helið helir
Past 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin achólen achóleg achólel achol achóleb achóleb achóleð achóler
Future 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin halathon halathog halathol halatha halathab halathof halathoð halathar
Present Active Participle Past Active Participle Passive Past Participle (Singular) Passive Past Participle (Plural)
Sindarin halol hóliel hallen hellin
Imperative Infinitive Gerund
Sindarin halo haled haled