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N. #gweð-, v. “to bind” appearing in its Noldorin-style infinitive form gwedi with an archaic past form gwend/gwenn and a later past gweðant, all under the root ᴹ√WED “bind”.

Phonetic Developments for the 3rd: Sg.:✶ewēdē > ewið [ewēdē] > [ewēde] > [ewīde] > [ewīðe] > [ewiðe] > [ewið]

Present 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin gweðin gweðig gweðil gwêð gweðib gweðif gweðið gweðir
Past 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin ewíðen ewíðeg ewíðel ewið ewíðeb ewíðeb ewíðeð ewíðer
Future 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin gweðathon gweðathog gweðathol gweðatha gweðathab gweðathof gweðathoð gweðathar
Present Active Participle Past Active Participle Passive Past Participle (Singular) Passive Past Participle (Plural)
Sindarin gweðol gwíðiel gwennen gwennin
Imperative Infinitive Gerund
Sindarin gweðo gweðed gweðed

Derivatives from ᴹ√WED root. “bind”: