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S. #cal-, v. “to shine” formed from √KAL “light; shine, be bright”.

Phonetic Developments for the 3rd: Sg.:✶akālē > agol [akālē] > [akāle] > [akǭle] > [akaule] > [akaul] > [agaul] > [agol]

Present 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin celin celig celil câl celib celif celið celir
Past 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin agólen agóleg agólel agol agóleb agóleb agóleð agóler
Future 1st: Sg. 2nd: Sg. Fam. 2nd: Sg. Form. 3rd: Sg. 1st: Pl. Inc. 1st: Pl. Exc. 2nd: Pl. Form. 3rd: Pl.
English I You You He/She/It We (and you) We (but not you) Y'all They
Sindarin calathon calathog calathol calatha calathab calathof calathoð calathar
Present Active Participle Past Active Participle Passive Past Participle (Singular) Passive Past Participle (Plural)
Sindarin calol cóliel callen cellin
Imperative Infinitive Gerund
Sindarin calo caled caled