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Pronoun Present: (bad-) Past: (avant-) Future: (bedatha-)
1st: Sg. I bedin Stress: BE-din avannen Stress: a-VAN-nen bedathon Stress: BE-da-thon
2nd: Sg. Fam. You bedig Stress: BE-dig avanneg Stress: a-VAN-neg bedathog Stress: BE-da-thog
2nd: Sg. Form. You bedil Stress: BE-dil avannel Stress: a-VAN-nel bedathol Stress: BE-da-thol
3rd: Sg. He/She bâd Stress: BÂD avant Stress: A-vant bedatha Stress: BE-da-tha
1st: Pl. Inc. We (and you) bedib Stress: BE-dib evenneb Stress: a-VAN-neb bedathab Stress: BE-da-thab
1st: Pl. Exc. We (but not you) bedif Stress: BE-dif evennef Stress: a-VAN-nef bedathof Stress: BE-da-thof
2nd: Pl. Form. You bedidh Stress: BE-didh evennedh Stress: a-VAN-nedh bedathodh Stress: BE-da-thodh
3rd: Pl. They bedir Stress: BE-dir evennir Stress: a-VAN-ner bedathar Stress: BE-da-thar
Present Active Participle Past Active Participle Passive Past Participle (Singular) Passive Past Participle (Plural)
badol Stress: BA-dol bódiel Stress: BÓ-di-el bannen Stress: BAN-nen bannin Stress: BAN-nin
Imperative Infinitive Gerund
bado Stress: BA-do baded Stress: BA-ded baded Stress: BA-ded