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Pron. Present: (bartha-) Past: (barthant-) Future: (barthatha-)
1st: Sg. I barthon Stress: BAR-thon barthannen Stress: bar-THAN-nen barthathon Stress: BAR-tha-thon
2nd: Sg. Fam. You barthog Stress: BAR-thog barthanneg Stress: bar-THAN-neg barthathog Stress: BAR-tha-thog
2nd: Sg. Form. You barthol Stress: BAR-thol barthannel Stress: bar-THAN-nel barthathol Stress: BAR-tha-thol
3rd: Sg. He/She bartha Stress: BAR-tha barthant Stress: BAR-thant barthatha Stress: BAR-tha-tha
1st: Pl. Inc. We (and you) barthab Stress: BAR-thab barthanneb Stress: bar-THAN-neb barthathab Stress: BAR-tha-thab
1st: Pl. Exc. We (but not you) barthof Stress: BAR-thof barthannef Stress: bar-THAN-nef barthathof Stress: BAR-tha-thof
2nd: Pl. Form. You barthodh Stress: BAR-dhodh barthannedh Stress: bar-THAN-nedh barthathodh Stress: BAR-dha-thodh
3rd: Pl. They barthar Stress: BAR-thar barthanner Stress: bar-THAN-ner barthathar Stress: BAR-tha-thar
Present Active Participle Past Active Participle Passive Past Participle (Signular) Passive Past Participle (Plural)
barthol Stress: BAR-thol berthiel Stress: BER-thi-el barthannen Stress: bar-THAN-nen berthennin Stress: ber-THEN-nin
Imperative Infinitive Gerund
bartho Stress: BAR-tho barthad Stress: BAR-thad barthad Stress: BAR-thad