Sensory & Perception (Present Tense)

Let's break down the sentence: I see the stars. > Cenin i·ñ(g)îl. - See-I the-stars.
You will notice I put parentheses around the (g) you will see that some will write it as ñîl. I choose to write it from this note in PE23: *For i·mair, i·nuir written forms were sometimes i·mbair, i·nduir to distinguish such cases from those with original initial m, n; they were not needed in the case of nouns beginning with g-, since no words had radical initial ñ in Sindarin, but nonetheless i·ñuin, the stones, was sometimes spelled i·ñguin.

English grammatical categorization Sindarin grammatical categorization
I independent pronoun, 1st person singular – Subject of the sentence. Cenin verb, present tense, 1st person singular of cen- “to see, perceive, look” - Subject of the sentence.
see verb, present tense, 1st person singular – Transitive verb that takes a direct object.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. i·ñgîl definite article plural-plural noun, - Proclitic, causing nasal mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows. Direct object of the verb "see."
stars plural noun – Direct object of the verb "see."

Let's break down the sentence: You hear the bird's song. Rephrased: You hear the song of the bird > Lhassog e·lind en·aew. - Hear-you the-song [of] the bird.

English Sindarin
You independent pronoun, 2nd person singular or plural – Subject of the sentence. Lhassog verb, present tense, 2nd person singular, familiar of ᴺS. lhassa- “to hear” - Subject of the sentence.
hear verb, present tense, 2nd person singular or plural – Transitive verb that takes a direct object.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. e·lind definite article singular-singular noun - Proclitic, causing soft mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows. Direct object of the verb "hear."
song singular noun – Direct object of the verb "hear."
of preposition – Introduces the prepositional phrase "of the bird," indicating possession or association.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. en·aew definite article singular-singular noun - Proclitic, causing nasal mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows. Object of the preposition of the implied [of].
bird singular noun, object of the preposition "of" – Indicates the entity to which the "song" belongs.

Let's break down the sentence: You feel the warm sun on your face. > Felil Anor laug bo e·thîr lín. - Feel-you [the] sun warm on the-face your.

English Sindarin
You independent pronoun, 2nd person singular or plural – Subject of the sentence. Felil verb, present tense, 2nd person singular, formal of ᴺS. fel- “to feel (a sensation or emotion)” - Subject of the sentence.
feel verb, present tense, 2nd person singular or plural – Transitive verb that takes a direct object.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. Anor singular noun- Proper nouns cannot take a definite article. Direct object of the verb "feel."
warm adjective – Describes the noun "sun."
sun singular noun – Direct object of the verb "feel." laug adjective – Describes the noun "sun." Follows the noun it modifies.
on preposition – Introduces the prepositional phrase "on your face," indicating location. bo preposition – Introduces the prepositional phrase "on your face," indicating location. Causes soft mutation.
your possessive pronoun, 2nd person singular or plural – Modifies the noun "face," indicating possession. e·thîr singular noun – Object of the preposition "on." Proclitic, causing soft mutation of the initial consonant of the possessed noun that follows.
face singular noun – Object of the preposition "on." lín possessive pronoun, 2nd person singular, formal – Modifies the noun "face," indicating possession.

Let's break down the sentence: He/She smells the ground after rain. > Nosta e·dalaf ab ross. - Smells-he/she the-ground after rain.

English Sindarin
He/she independent pronoun, 3rd person singular – Subject of the sentence. Nosta verb, present tense, 3nd person singular of ᴺS. nosta- “to smell” - Subject of the sentence.
smells verb, present tense, 3rd person singular – Transitive verb that takes a direct object.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. e·dalaf definite article singular-singular noun - Proclitic, causing soft mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows. Direct object of the verb "smell."
ground singular noun – Direct object of the verb "smells."
after preposition – Introduces the prepositional phrase "after rain," indicating time. ab preposition – Introduces the prepositional phrase "after rain," indicating time. Causes soft mutation.
rain singular noun – Object of the preposition "after," referring to the event occurring before the action of smelling. ross singular noun – Object of the preposition "after," referring to the event occurring before the action of smelling.

Let's break down the sentence: We taste the beer. > Cewib e·chîm. - Taste-we [we and you] the-beer.

English Sindarin
We independent pronoun, 1st person plural – Subject of the sentence. Cewib verb, present tense, 3nd person plural, inclusive of caw- “to taste” - Subject of the sentence.
taste verb, present tense, 1st person plural – Transitive verb that takes a direct object.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. e·chîm. definite article singular-singular noun - Proclitic, causing soft mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows. Direct object of the verb "hear."
beer singular noun – Direct object of the verb "taste."

Let's break down the sentence: We watch the flowing river. > Tiriaf e·dhuin hiriol. - Watch-we [but not you] the-river flowing.

English Sindarin
We independent pronoun, 1st person plural – Subject of the sentence. Tiriaf verb, present tense, 3nd person plural, exclusive of tiria- “to watch, gaze; to ward, guard” - Subject of the sentence.
watch verb, present tense, 1st person plural – Transitive verb that takes a direct object.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. e·dhuin definite article singular-singular noun - Proclitic, causing soft mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows. Direct object of the verb "watch."
flowing active present participle – Functions as an adjective, describing the noun "river."
river singular noun – Direct object of the verb "watch." hiriol active present participle of siria- “to flow” – Functions as an adjective, describing the noun "river."

Let's break down the sentence: You see the changing of the seasons. > Cenidh e·'wistad i·lórain. - See-you the-changing [of] the-seasons.

English Sindarin
You independent pronoun, 2nd person singular or plural – Subject of the sentence. Cenidh verb, present tense, 2nd person plural, formal of cen- “to see, perceive, look” - Subject of the sentence.
notice verb, present tense, 2nd person singular or plural – Transitive verb that takes a direct object.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. e·'wistad definite article singular-verbal noun/gerund - Proclitic, causing soft mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows. Direct object of the verb "watch."
changing verbal noun/gerund – Functions as a noun, referring to the process of change.
of preposition – Introduces the prepositional phrase "of the seasons," indicating possession or association.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. i·lórain. definite article plural-plural noun, - Proclitic, causing nasal mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows. Object of the preposition of the implied [of].
seasons plural noun – Object of the preposition "of," referring to the time periods undergoing change.

Let's break down the sentence: They gaze at the distant mountains. > Tiriar n’ in·eryd chaeryn. - Gaze-they at the-mountains distant.

English Sindarin
They independent pronoun, 3rd person plural – Subject of the sentence. Tiriar verb, present tense, 3nd person plural, formal of tiria- “to watch, gaze; to ward, guard” - Subject of the sentence.
gaze verb, present tense, 3rd person plural – Intransitive verb, meaning it does not take a direct object.
at preposition – Introduces the prepositional phrase "at the distant mountains," indicating direction or focus. n’ preposition - Introduces the prepositional phrase "at the distant mountains," indicating direction or focus. Regularly elided to n’ before vowels. Causes soft mutation.
the definite article – Specifies the noun that follows. in·eryd definite article plural-plural noun, - Proclitic, causing nasal mutation of the initial consonant of the noun that follows.
distant adjective – Describes the noun "mountains," indicating their location as far away.
mountains plural noun – Object of the preposition "at," referring to what is being gazed at. chaeryn adjective – Describes the noun "mountains." Follows the noun it modifies.