
Sindarin is a complex language with limited examples to guide us, especially for certain verb tenses. The information provided here represents our best interpretations based on the available material. However, some aspects may not be entirely accurate, and there could be mistakes or misinterpretations of the rules.

I am not an expert, but I have a general understanding of how Sindarin works. It is important for anyone studying this material to double-check the information and compare it with other reliable sources. Language learning is a journey, and accuracy improves as we learn more.

Present Tense: How to Conjugate Sindarin i-Stem Verbs

Step 1: Determine if the Verb is MONOSYLLABIC or POLYSYLLABIC

1a: MONOSYLLABIC (one syllable)

Example: bal- (meaning "have power")

1b: POLYSYLLABIC (two or more syllables)

Example: abgen- (meaning "foresee, expect")

Step 2: Apply Vowel Changes for Monosyllabic Verbs in Specific Forms

For the following forms, change the vowels like this:

Forms affected:

Example: bal- ("have power") becomes bel-

Step 3: Add the Correct Ending (Pronominal Suffix) to the Stem

Use these endings to form the conjugated verb:

Final Conjugation:

Combine the modified or lengthened stem with the correct ending to form the conjugated verb.